… when / what / where / why …

MEDIA … when / what / where / why …

➤ 01.11.2016 – “Man of Action wanted!”

finest-care from Augsburg at the center of the Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischer Rundfunk) production “Man of Action wanted”
Swabian craftsmanship training on 1st November in Bavarian Television

Thank you very much for the very good cooperation to the whole Team of the Handwerkskammer for Schwaben, to the whole Team of the Bayerischen Rundfunk and to the whole Team of Augsburg Air Service GmbH !!

Man of Action wanted! Bavarian Broadcasting at finest-care GmbH in Augsburg
Man of Action wanted! BB at finest-care:Trainee Christoph Billing and Moderator Andi Poll
Man of Action wanted! Bavarian Broadcasting at finest-care GmbH and Augsburg Air Service GmbH in Augsburg
Man of Action wanted! BB at finest-care and Augsburg Air Service: Andi Poll, Christoph Billing and Hubert Ehleiter
Man of Action wanted! Bavarian Broadcasting at finest-care and Augsburg Air Service
Man of Action wanted! Bavarian Broadcasting at finest-care and Augsburg Air Service

➤ 22.02.2016 – Bavarian Education Day

Secretary of State Johannes Hinterberger and HWK-President Hans-Peter Rauch guest at finest-care GmbH

Author / Authority: Rebecca Weingarten /B4B WIRTSCHAFTSLEBEN SCHWABEN

Secretary of State Johannes Hintersberger CEO Hubert Ehleiter HWK-President Hans-Peter Rauch
CEO Hubert Ehleiter Secretary of State Johannes Hintersberger Trainee 2015 Saddler Christoph Billing
On-The-Job training Mr Rauch HWK and Trainee Saddler Christoph Billing finest-care GmbH